Thursday, May 21, 2009

Another year gone by. It seemed to go really quick, maybe too quick but I'm not complaining. I'm glad to be moving on. Being a senior will be cool i guess, i cant wait till I'm driving next year then I'll be out of this forsaken town forever. Anyway this year was really fun, I'm not going to share any details about but i got a new girlfriend and made a lot of new friends. I really hope i end up passing everything this semester, I'm not doing too bad and the finals always bring back up from the abyss a little bit. I have to really try hard in math right now though because i really don't want to take it ever again hahahah then i have to take one class online before i graduate and that's it. Who knows, maybe i can even graduate early

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ive been to alot of places over the years. Ive lived outside of the country for a total of about 5 year? But it was always in year or two spanes. Ive been to almost every country in south america except brazil and peru but im going there this summer. Ive been to most counties in Europe and llived in england for two years and spain for a little bit more then that. England was cool because that was before the real trouble started. And spain was awesome cause i didnt go to scholl and just surfed for months but i really started to miss going to scholl after a while and the lack of friends oon the off season got me down and came back without any socail skills hahaha but who needs those? So i want to go to the rest of the places of the world before i die like asia, austrailia, africa, and russia
Ummm I don't really have anything to right about. I mean i don't want share myself with this stupid blog thing. People that blog on their own time,form my experience, are usally losers with nothing better to do then complain about one thing or another like im doing now. These people probaly still live with their moms and sit on a computer all day blogging about stuff that no one cares about or going to read or even going to read.

But i guess they do have some purpose in this world. Everything does. Boomerang.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Why might the author ,Tim O’Brien, call himself a coward? It think its because he feels something something of a coward, its that simple. He knows he failed to stand up for what he believes in.

He failed to stand up for what he believed in that day on the Rainy River. When he had the choice between war and freedom, God and the Devil, Canada and the good ole’ USof A, or life and almost certain death! Well maybe that's a little much but you get my point.

Tim O’Brien was just a simple guy. He was fresh out of college and had a promising job at a meat factory spraying down slaughtered pigs. He had no reason at all to go to war. His whole life was in front of him and this war was not something he cared about but he was drafted none the less. This was not fair! Why not the rich senators kids? So now he had two choices. He could stay in the U.S., join the army, and fight in a war he didn't believe in or... go to Canada, only few hundred miles north, and live the rest of his days as a Kanook. But live free. And that is the important thing.

But what did our hero Tim O'Brien do on that day in the little boat on the Rainy River? He let his

fear of being called a pussy or a wimp, stop him from following what he believed in. He saw all

the people he ever knew on the bank of that river sneering at him and he let that stop him from

making that leap and that is why he thinks himself a coward

In conclusion Tim O'Brien thinks himself something of a coward because the did not follow what

he believes in and i agree completely agree. The biggest betrayal of yourself is to no follow your



Thursday, March 5, 2009


I lost my ipod.this is bullshit. My dad took it away because i wouldn't let my little brother sleep in my room. I guess i could of been a "good big brother" but i was tired and in a bad mood and besides why should i have to share my room with anyone?
Anyway now i have no ipod and life looks a lot colder. See i need music just to get through the day, especially in 6th period, i cant stand that class. The thing about music is that it blocks things out like i don't like being alone with the thoughts in my head and it helps me concentrate. Now he says i cant have it at school at all because i need to bring my grades up and i shouldnt be listening to music at all

I like video games. I like 'em a lot. They provide a false sense of reality for people who's reality isn't so good, video games don't judge or care what you look like, they just are. Like the D&D, people that have no life can pretend like they do, like an escape. There nothing wrong with this at all, in fact i think its very important for a society to survive. Of course not all video gamers are nerds, now there's a whole ridiculous culture centered around it and is one of the biggest grossing businesses there is. Yes we Americans have become dependent on video games.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I like metal. Heavy metal, Death metal, Speed metal, and some Black metal.

This doesnt mean i dont like other kinds of music. I like rock, hard rock, techno, punk, and some rap i guess.

Some people have a favorit band but i cant, i love music to much, people who have a favorit band dont love music. Plus i listen to way too many different kinds. Some of the bands i like are Megadeth, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Motorhead, Behemoth, Childen Of Bodom, The Clash and many more.